هي جمعية اجتماعية تهتمم بالشؤون الاجتماعية البحثه *** LcI is a social organization directs its activities towards social events

الثلاثاء، 8 مايو 2007

The Libyan community in Ireland

The Libyan community in Ireland

الجالية الليبية في ايرلندا

E-mail: libyanci@yahoo.ie


1. Name: The organisation shall be known as

The Libyan community in Ireland

(الجالية الليبية في ايرلندا)


· To support, advise and assist Libyan living in Ireland.

· To facilitate and promote the integration and adaptation of Libyan living in Ireland.

· To promote and advance community development projects to alleviate poverty and improving living conditions of Libyan living in Ireland.

2. Objectives:

The Libyan Community in Ireland is a social organization directs its activities towards social events only and its objectives are:

1.To contribute to the cultural and educational development of the Libyan community.

1. To provide family advice and counseling.

2. To organize cultural, sport and entertainment events for children and adults.

3. To facilitate young people to understand their cultural identity.

4. To develop strategies to cope with Irish society.

5. To build a positive and active Libyan personality to participate in the Irish society.

6. To co-operate with other communities in Ireland who have similar projects.

7. To support the Libyan women to participate in the development of the society.

8. To equip our youth with the necessary skills and abilities towards a more successful professional career.

9. To teach the youngersters their customs and heritage.

هي جمعية اجتماعية تهتمم بالشؤون الاجتماعية البحثه دون اي توجهات اخرى

وأهدافها كما يلي:

1. المساهمة في التنمية الثقافية والتربوية للجالية الليبية في ايرلندا

2. تقديم المساعدة للعائلات بالنصيحة بقدر الامكان

3. تنظيم لقاءات ثقافية ورياضية وانشطة ترفيهية للاطفال والشباب والجالية.

4. توعية الناشئة بعاداتهم وتقاليدهم الغير منافية للدين

5. تطوير الاستراتيجيات لمعايشة المجتمع في ايرلندا بدون ذوبان.

6. تكوين الشخصية الليبية الفاعلة في المجتمع الايرلندي.

7. التعاون مع الجاليات الاخرى التي عندها نفس الاهداف.

8. مساعدة المراة الليبية في ايرلندا للمساهمة في تطوير الجالية.

9. اعداد الشباب بالمهاراة والقدرات الضرورية التي تعينهم على النجاح في حياتهم المهنية.

3. Membership:

Membership shall be open to all Libyan. Membership shall be granted to Libyan in return for a subscription of (50 euros) or such other figure as shall be decided by the Committee or Annual fee.
The Organisation is a member of the cairde and New Communities Partnerships (NCP).

4. The executive Committee:

The Committee shall consist of the following officers:

The Chairman,

The Secretary,

The Treasurer

The coordinator
the outreach officer

5. The Committee shall meet at least twice a week.
The general function of the committee is to administrate and act on behalf of the Libyan community.
(A quorum 51% for a committee meeting at which a motion may be passed or decisions of general importance made)
NB If the committee member absent twice he will lose his place in the executive committee automatically.

The chairman has double the vote.

6. Officers and Committee members may be removed from office before the completion of their term of office only by 75% of those members of the organisation present at an Extraordinary General Meeting whichever is the lesser.

7. The Annual General Meeting and General Meetings:
The Annual General Meeting of the organisation shall be held on May of once every two years.

A notice shall be posted on the organisation's notice board or otherwise publicised to the members not less than one month before the meeting giving the
date and time of the meeting and the fact that elections to the Committee will
take place there at.

8. The meeting shall be open to whoever fills the application form and becomes a member. All members of the community shall be entitled to vote.
All meetings of the organization shall be chaired by the chairman or who ever choose as a deputy.

9. At the meeting the officers shall read their reports of the organisation's activities for the year, and the election of a new Committee shall take place.

10. A general meeting of the organisation may be called by the Committee or by
50% members of the organisation presenting a signed petition to the Committee. Three days notice as provided for in the case of an Annual General Meeting shall be

11. An Extraordinary General Meeting of the organisation may be called following the procedure set out above for General Meetings.

12. Candidates for election must be full/ordinary members of the organisation,
and each candidate must be nominated and seconded by a member of the organisation.

13. No one shall be admitted to membership less than 3 months before an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting the committee has the power to waive this rule for the first AGM.

14. The Board of trustees:

· It is to meet once at the end of each year and to give directions for the executive committee.

· It is to inspect the executive committee accounts and activity reports yearly.

· It is to intervene to solve problems, which cannot be solved by the executive committee, or problems between members of the executive committee, or misuse of power and funds by members of the executive committee.

· It is to call for an extra ordinary meeting if problem not solved.

· Board of trustees have no right to change the constitution only through voting in the AGM.

The Officers:
The Chairman shall oversee the general running of the organisation and shall be answerable to the Trustees Committee.

15. The Secretary shall be responsible for all the correspondence of the organisation and shall keep a record of it, and for keeping the minutes of all
meetings of the organisation and of the Committee and to provide the committee with a record of the organisation's activities during his/her term of office not later than the date set by the committee for submission of this report, and shall be answerable to the Committee.

16. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all the finances of the organisation, for the collection of subscriptions and the maintenance of accounts and shall
have the duty of conducting routine communications with the other organisations or offices on financial matters including the provision of estimates for expenditure.

17. The Treasurer and the Chairman shall be jointly responsible for the financial affairs of the organisation. Although the affairs of the organisation shall be in general conducted according to the vote of all of the members of the Committee, if the Committee over-rules the advice of the Chairman and the Treasurer on a major financial matter or the Committee proceeds in the absence of the Chairman and the Treasurer on such a matter, then the Chairman and the Treasurer shall either accept responsibility for the decision, or call directly and immediately for the trustee board and/or an EGM in which case the Committee shall hold responsibility for the consequences of the decision in question.

18. The Treasurer or the Chairman or any persons may be requested to appear before the board of Trustees and/or EGM to provide information concerning the finances of the organisation. If a prima facie case exists that organisation been misused or
miss-appropriated, the board of Trustees and /or EGM may declare the person or persons concerned indebted to the organisation which case they may not be permitted to register for the
following year or to have their membership questioned.

19. The Treasurer shall close his/her accounts on December 31st of each year and
thereafter as soon as may be possible shall arrange for the accounts to be
audited and these accounts shall be presented to the
Committee of the organisation and the board of trustees and /or AGM for approval.

20. All cheques and withdrawal forms from the organisation's bank account shall
be signed by two of the designated officers: who shall be the
Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary.

21. The ordinary members of the Committee shall be delegated any other duties by the Chairman as are seen fit. (The various duties attached should be
listed here)

22. Amendments:
This constitution may be amended by a vote of a majority not less than 51% of those present at an
Extraordinary General Meeting or an Annual General Meeting.

Notices of such amendments must be given to the Committee before the time set
for such a General Meeting and to the Chairman of that meeting before he/she takes the chair.

23. This constitution is binding as and from the date of being approved by 1st AGM.

Signature of the Members of the organization:

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